L o n g - g a m e p r o j e c t s
Racial & Social Equity Tillamook (RSET) is lobbying the Garibaldi Maritime Museum to remove the fraught statue of Captain Robert Gray from its prominent place on Hwy 101 where it stands as a provocative relic of a racist past. By moving the statue inside or next to the museum, curators can more effectively provide historically accurate information to contextualize Captain Gray’s colonialist role in the northwest coastal region. Viewers could then consider their own relationship to the statue's history and meaning.
RSET Book Club
Bi-weekly reading group to educate ourselves about anti-racism, racial equity and social justice.
Held on zoom
Currently on summer hiatus
Racial & Social Equity Tillamook (RSET) is a community organization working to improve racial equity and social justice on a local level in Tillamook County, on Oregon's north coast.
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